
Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Episode 3 of my current bout of mashrabiya bending exploits.  This one is even more like a spiders web.

I started once more with some drafting to clarify the basic geometry and express it as fractional placements along the edges of a rectangle.

This informs a curtain panel by pattern, to set the positions for placing points (using the infamous "normalised curve parameter" which is an inherent property of points that are hosted on lines in the conceptual massing environment.  Pairs of points are then connected together using spline by points.

More points added and "hosted by intersection" so that they remember their relationship to two lines, even when these lines cross "at a distance" when the panel gets twisted.  All part of the magical points-based geometry that was incorporated into Revit from 2010 onwards.

Connect these in pairs to define the major pattern elements.  Create surfaces and sweeps.

Load the panel into a project then use it on some wiggly divided surfaces.  And that's another one done.  Took about 3 hours this evening after work.

And on the subject of points based geometry, check out Zach Krons video from a webinar he did recently.  From Data to Tada   I watched this last night and it just joined all the dots together nicely for me. I hadn't full understood the different point placement modes before.  Very nicely explained.


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