
Sunday, March 6, 2016


Recently I discovered, a free hosting service by Microsoft which works rather well for quickly and easily sharing documents in various formats and for assembling images and text with SWAY.

At the moment I'm seeing it as an alternative web presence for my ideas, less focus on the technicalities of doing stuff in Revit, less of a diary of what I did last weekend, more of a place to reflect on issues, tell slightly more coherent stories, record my talks at various events.  Early days yet but I've put together a couple of journal entries, posted some pdf documents and started a couple of collections.  Take a look,

I've also added a page here with links to all my Project Soane posts.  This is partly prompted by an Italian Architecture student who contacted me asking for assistance with an academic project he is doing on Sir John Soane.

You can get to the page via the row of buttons just below my title banner, or just follow this link.

 I was a little shocked to find out that I had done 16 posts.  My how time flies when you're having fun. 

1 comment:

I've been getting a lot of spam so had to tighten up comments permissions. Sorry for any inconvenience. I do like to hear from real people