
Friday, July 8, 2016


It's a long weekend for EID, so I finally got around to organising my stuff on
Turns out this is a terrific place to store all my past presentations (RTC, BIM Breakfast, AUX, BIM Show Live, whatever) 

You can just upload documents (powerpoint, pdf, etc) or you can upload pictures and text as a "Journal Post" which means that you are basically using SWAY to quickly organise this material into a modern style web page.

So here's a link to all the talks I've uploaded so far  MY TALKS

You can also get to this via the top bar.  Which will be the fastest route in future. 

While I was at it I also fleshed out my "THE WAY WE BUILD" section.  There are a lot of posts here at Shades of Grey under that heading, but lends itself to a somewhat cleaner style of presentation with less emphasis on Revit tips and "recording my process".  So I am thinking of using this to make my work available to a wider audience: non Revit users who might conceivably be interested in buildings, history, technology etc. 

There is an absolute stack of visual information on my hard drive that could be assembled into journal posts, so check back from time to time if you are interested.  Once again you will be able to get there via the top bar in future, but right now take a look at the start I have made using the link below. THE WAY WE BUILD



  1. I Like the way you make your presentations, it's pretty unique, however, it can't really be understood as there is lack of narrative by looking only on the images, are there any of your presentations recorded in a video format.
    if you are presenting this year at AU Dubai then I would definitely attend your class.

  2. I Like the way you make your presentations, it's pretty unique, however, it can't really be understood as there is lack of narrative by looking only on the images, are there any of your presentations recorded in a video format.
    if you are presenting this year at AU Dubai then I would definitely attend your class.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. thank for the wonderful post , lots of information gained , visit us Revit Modeling in usa


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