
Sunday, April 23, 2023



My brain is flip-flopping between Dubai and Singapore at the moment, which is actually a great feeling.

No prizes for guessing which one this is. Three different takes on the air-vent theme, spotted during my shophouse wanderings. Should I continue my BIM pencil work, studying this fascinating typology? Or will something else grab my attention.

The weekend beckons, so let's see how the spirit moves me. 🤔


Working on my shophouses.

"Blue Team" facade. Loosely based on a photo but not a strict copy. Just gradually building up the range of components and level of detail.

I guess at some point I will look at two or three alternative internal layouts, then set up some sheets. There are so many possible variations based on the reference material I have accumulated but need to keep my ambitions in check.

Let's see if I can find a natural inflection point at which to pause this work and do something else for a while.

Rhythm and balance. Approaching 72 years old. Try to get it right.


Added a turned baluster to the blue team facade this afternoon.

Did you ever get that feeling just after the burst of pride for how much you achieved today, a sinking sensation of how far short it falls?

Important to remind myself that the real measure is the process I go through. Learning by doing. Experiencing, observing, reassessing.

One more day this weekend for virtual shophouse world.



Dawn at six, out by 6.30, having set the robotic disc to cleaning the floor. Quite a pretty sky early on while the sun is still hiding behind the buildings.

I did my usual circuit, stopped off to buy

 milk, yoghurt and a mango, then climbed the five flights of stairs to my apartment. Now I'm sitting on the balcony with the last of my coffee. Mango and yoghurt eaten, robot finished for the day and charging.

What will I achieve today? By rights I should work on internal layouts of shophouses. The first one is reasonably well developed. I need at least one more, and it should be one with a straight flight of stairs down to a door on the street.

That was the configuration I saw most often last month in Singapore. Let's get to it.


Another day in shophouse world (the virtual one)

This morning I added lots more shutters to the facade families, played around with open v closed, rearranged the sequence of styles. Lots more can be done but... later.


Afternoon scramble was to make a start on another internal layout. This is one where the upper floors have a separate street door. Seems to be common in Singapore. I'm just winging it, but what's new?

Hopefully I have one more weekend in the tank to set up some sheets, which will necessarily reveal things that need to be fixed in the model.


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