Thursday, August 15, 2013


I did a short article for Middle East Magazine.  Actually I wrote a massive tomb that was cut down by about 90%.  Maybe I will post the long version sometime.  Here is a link to the short one.

Middle East Architect

As part of the visual accompaniment I did a version of the Gartner Hype Cycle.  All modeled in Revit of course.  Maybe you will enjoy.


  1. Thanks Paul, also saw that you are making excellent progress with your book on the classical orders. Good stuff ! I won't be at AU, but I am hoping to make it to Chicago for RTC next year. Maybe we can hang out a little :-)

  2. Multi-wood office furniture refers to furniture pieces made from a combination of different types of wood or wood-based materials, such as plywood, MDF (Medium-Density Fiberboard), particleboard, and solid wood. This combination enhances durability, aesthetics, and cost-effectiveness while maintaining a premium look.


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