People are impressed by our model of the ceiling at St Anne’s Limehouse, but actually it’s a highly simplified abstraction of reality. There is something about our system of perception that picks up simple cues and links them to memory traces, to “see” the complexity of life “in our mind’s eye”.
In many ways that is the true challenge of BIM. Come to
think of it, that has been the challenge of drawing “for ever”. What level of simplification is appropriate
in the current situation? The process we
are following in our historical studies with BIM involves mapping out the
building as quickly and simply as possible, then gradually adding layers of
detail as we search to understand : what? why? how?
So this post is about the modillions (similar to Dentils, but
scrolls rather than boxes) Why are these
“rows of teeth” so effective at articulating the junctions between horizontal
and vertical surfaces? One answer is that they are memories of the rafter ends
which remind us of the support system required to hold up any ceiling or
Let’s get down to the Revit stuff. There is a family template called “line-based”
which allows you to create arrays with two clicks. Those two clicks define the ends of a line,
and nested components can be arrayed along this line based on rules that you
define. In this case I decided to keep
it very simple. We have a nested element
with a fixed size, and a parameter that sets the spacing, which I named “Module”. (Model, Module, Modulus … isn’t language
interesting) There is a little equality
trick here that I used to space the first element half a module away from the
end point. That sleight of hand means
that “Length/Module” = “No of elements”.
Basically you divide the line into a number of spaces, and place an element
at the centre of each space.
The trick involves defining a centre line between two
parallel planes, then adding a third plane off to one side and “equalizing”
that (so you end up with three halves!)
It’s something I discovered accidentally a while ago.
So it’s a very simple version of the line-based array, with
just one variable called “Module”. I made
that a type parameter, you can name the types according to the different spacings. With just two types, one 5% smaller than the
other, I was able to fit the modillions to all the available lengths while equalizing
the spaces at the corners (more or less)
This is called “balancing” in the trade: making small
adjustments to the spacing so that the corners look “right”.
About 18 months ago (before Covid, and just before Notre Dame
caught fire) I was exploring classical ornament (for the umpteenth time) In this case I was focusing on using Revit’s
simple approach to solid geometry to capture archetypal forms like “egg &
dart”. These are arrays, like the
modillions, but there are no empty spaces.
The amazing thing about systems like “classical ornament” or
“the blues” is the infinite variety you can extract from what seems at first to
be a very rigid set of rules. There is
something about these archetypal forms.
No matter how many times you “revisit” them, you can always find
something new.
So back in April 2019 I came up with three versions of “egg
& dart”. Then I went on to devise
three variations on the “leave” theme.
As an aside, “leaf” “egg” “dart” … three elements to represent
the vegetable & animal kingdoms, plus a man-made object. Also that man-made tool is mineral based, and
descended from the stone hand-axe that symbolizes our discovery of “technology”.
Going back another 4 years to some of my earliest attempts
to create classical ornament, there was a set of insights that I called “row
planting”. As usual that is a play on
words. I had been interacting with other
Revit bloggers, and between us we came up with various uses for “the planting
hack”. It’s a way of scaling up Revit
geometry globally, something that is not available in other family
You put a “Planting” family inside a “Planting” family and
the result will scale automatically based on the hardwired “Height”
parameter. I call it the “double nested”
planting hack, because it relies in nesting Planting inside Planting. In 2013 I applied this to various types of arrays:
line-based families, railings and curtain walls.
That was a really fun period of experimentation.
For some reason, the acanthus leaf has become one of the
most fertile sources of invention in classical architecture (and even in the Gothic,
if you look carefully) Revit geometry is
far too simple to capture the 3 dimensional fluidity of this genre. Or it would be, if not for the way our “mind’s
eye” works.
Picasso was very adept at distilling the essence of form. He could capture a bull’s head or a female
nude with half a dozen strokes of the paint brush in a matter of seconds. There are some fascinating video clips of him
painting on glass, filmed from the other side of the glass.
Maybe we can do something like this with the Revit solid
geometry tools to capture the fluidity of acanthus. I was inspired to have another go at this a
couple of nights ago
There are three parallel sideways extrusions: solids. Two of these are cut by void extrusions which
run vertically. Using the “Cut” and “Uncut”
commands we can control which void cuts which solid. Simple stuff, but remarkably effective. Why? I guess it’s the “minds eye” metaphor
getting busy again.
I went back to the 2013 work (which has evolved a bit in the
intervening years) and double-nested this family into a line-based family. Because
of the planting-hack scaling behaviour, you can create types based on the “module”
parameter. Now you have this amazing
object which scales from a small carved detail on the edge of a wooden
bookshelf, to a much bigger cast plaster enrichment, to an absolutely huge
carved-stone external cornice.
The result of all this effort was an upgrade to work from
different eras of my Revit blogging life, unified and standardised into 6
different versions of egg&dart plus 6 different versions of
foliage/acanthus/leaf& dart.
This is now a system that can be expanded indefinitely with
minimal effort. You can take any Revit
family (almost), change the category to “Planting”, rename it as “Inner” load
it in at the bottom level of the nested stack.
Then you just have to adjust one scaling parameter “F” that compensates
for the “Height to Width” proportions, so that the items in the array just
touch each other (instead of overlapping or leaving gaps)
I did this 12 times in a couple of hours to create the
library of classical enrichments shown below.
There is another little trick in there. You can lock the “F” parameter buy typing a
value into the formula field. This will
automatically control all the types, which is what you want. I will also prevent people from messing with
this parameter from within the project environment. The only parameters you need to set in the
project are “Module” and “Stuff”
(material). You can use these to create
as many types as you might need.
The other thing to mention is “standard naming conventions”.
At the bottom level, the planting family is always called “Inner”. That way you can load a new family and it
will automatically replace whatever was there before and maintain any linking
(Material). Next level up is always
called “Module” (but you don’t really need to worry about this one.)
Material parameters are always called “Stuff”. That’s just my own convention, based on choosing
something simple and easy to remember.
These things are always made of a single material (I will cross the next
bridge when I get to it)
The formula (H = Module*F) is used to control the hardwired “Height”
parameter in the Module (by way of parameter linking) No need to mess with
this. It’s set up now and it works. All you need to do is substitute a new family
at the bottom level (Inner) and adjust F until the array works the way you want
it to.
Download one sample family from here. If you want more you can make your own
Contribute to our work here at “The Way We Build” exploring
history with BIM. We are great believers
in sharing, but not so much in encouraging free riders 😊
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