Friday, February 9, 2024



So this is a tiny portion of the view from my living room, the phone - cam simulating our natural ability to focus attention on a small portion of the field of view. What it doesn't simulate is the brain's ability to subconsciously scan the periphery at low resolution so we don't miss something important while concentrating on a demanding task. But that's another story. (Ask Iain McGilchrist)

My point today is about the messy world of ordinary people who inhabit buildings and try their best to adapt them to their needs. The square mesh is part of my ongoing struggles with pigeon poop. That grid is echoed in the larger grid of the building facade, engaged in its own struggle to impose order on our laundry habits.



Coming out of the corner shop I came across 4 young guys enjoying the night air. Two Egyptians, one Jordanian, one Palestinian. I asked them if it was a private club. Long story short I ended up sitting with them out there in the street and chatting for maybe half an hour.

Maybe I am out here on my own, getting old in the desert, but l do like living in this heterodox area among the hoi polloi. And it does seem that there are ways of finding human connection.

Maybe it's just a state of mind.




True story. Last week, coming out of the supermarket I met this Chinese guy. He said to me "where do you live?" I said, "Here, in International City" So he said why do you want to live here? It's all Chinese people "

"What's wrong with Chinese people? " says I, but I think he missed the subtle irony. Anyway there are so many other nationalities and ethnicities jumbled together in this concrete paradise. But maybe it's indicative of the Chinese community here being inward looking. What do I know?

When I was younger. I was so socially awkward. Why did it take more than 60 years for me to learn the trick? Maybe these things come to us when we are ready for them. Or maybe everyone is curious about this old white guy with a pigtail. "WTF is going on here?" 🤣🤣🤣



Needless to say I pride myself on being a misfit, but finally a misfit who gets along with just about anybody. For a while at least. Let's be real. I still spend 90% of my time on my own thinking about buildings, drawing, painting, playing guitar. Hermit stuff.

Can't ignore people altogether though. 🤔

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